Monthly Archives: February 2024

Yogic Nutrition

Online — Beginning Tuesday March 26

What does a yogi eat? To achieve health as well as pleasure and (most importantly) spiritual development, yogis feed themselves consciously.

This course focuses on what to eat, when and why. Drawing on yoga, Ayurveda and scientific nutritional guidelines, Swami Samvidaananda and Gurudevi give you easy ways to improve your nutritional profile.

Each class includes teachings as well as a tasting session with discussion and easy recipes for your homework. If you were able to be in-person, your tasting session would be foods prepared by the Ashram, but for an online course, you’ll have to do some simple preparation before class. It may include slicing apples or perhaps the heating up of milk or a non-dairy alternative. 

As these principles begin working for you, you’ll notice a change in your digestion, assimilation and elimination. Taste is also important, especially as it contributes to your nutrition as well as your quality of life.   

I loved taking this joyful, practical online course! It was full of fascinating nutritional information that showed me new ways to approach meal planning. Much of it happened in our kitchens, which created a relaxed vibe. We had fun tasting our experiments and comparing results. An especially important part for me was the personal advice I received. As a result, I am now consulting an Ayurvedic doctor to help with digestive imbalances.Agnes H.

Sitting Auspiciously

By Valerie (Atmananda) Light Trautlein, Yogaratna

Right now, my favorite pose is Swastikasana.

I love this pose because it supports my spine to be so upright in meditation. The “envelopes” of my thighs and calves are wonderful supports for my feet. Props for my knees give my hips and spine support.

They rest in alignment with each other. The support of blankets and my own body allows Kundalini to rise up my spine. Any blockages are cleared.

This support allows me not to work so hard at meditation. As I sit in the pose, I feel my body as one unit. This sensation of wholeness supports the truth of experiencing the One Reality as I sit.

I can remember a time when I could not sit in this position for long periods. I would experience hip and knee pain towards the end of meditation. So I decided to focus on deeper spinal release poses in my home practice.

The deep, consistent spinal release opened up the tight parts of my body. This of course addressed mental tension too. This focus created lasting change. It gave me the ability to enjoy sitting in this pose without pain. The whole thing got much easier.

The name of the pose, I find, really describes the gift of the pose. Swastikasana means auspicious sitting. Also, one translation of the Sanskrit name Shiva is “auspicious.” When I sit in Swastikasana, my body is aligned in a way to sit as my Self auspiciously with ease.

I receive support from the blankets as well as from my own body. Outside and inside work together with one goal. Sitting as Self.

Experiencing Shavasana & Ujjayi Pranayama  

Gurudevi’s Audio Recording

By Barbara (Girijananda) Hess

The cover says it all: “Discover more of yourself in these inner explorations into the vastness of your own beingness …”

Listening to Gurudevi Nirmalananda guide me into Shavasana with this CD has supported me for many years. The CD offers a wide range of Shavasana and Ujjayi Pranayama experiences. Some are short and others long.  You can choose the tracks that fit your available time.

I especially love the Track 4 “Long Guided Awareness” with tamboura. Gurudevi begins with the familiar “Become aware of your toes, all ten toes …” Then she continues with an in-depth inner exploration throughout your body.  I especially love the section when she tracks up your spine one vertebra at a time. I must say I missed this section for more than a year.  I would pass in before I even got to the sacrum!

Now I mostly stay conscious.  I love the deepening awareness of each vertebra.  I sense the subtle presence of the inner conduit through which Kundalini arises.  I have new, deepening awareness at different areas of my internal terrain each time I dive inside with Gurudevi’s guided awareness. It gives me a full 30 minutes of Divine exploration. 

I have recommended this CD to many students who want to be guided in Shavasana in their home practice. They report, just as I do, many new insights each time they practice Shavasana guided by Gurudevi.  

The Light of Consciousness

By Rebecca (Jyoti) Yacobi

Interviewed by Lori (Priya) Kenney

Chanting is a powerful, effective way for me to prepare for meditation.  It draws me very deep, very quickly.  

And when I chant with Gurudevi, the sound reverberates progressively deeper and deeper.  Then, in meditation, what bliss!  My meditation is light-filled.  Like a magnet, it draws me even deeper.  Chanting and meditation with Gurudevi give me an experience of a spacious, expansive mind.  It almost feels like the space between my neurons is opened.

Gurudevi offered two Grace-infused Chanting and Meditation Retreats online in 2021.  I felt like a kid in a candy shop.  In April, the whole weekend was devoted to mantra.  I delved into the power of our mantra.  

Gurudevi talked about the mystical vibration of the mantra and how OM contains the whole universe.   We chanted and repeated mantra in many different ways.  We chanted it frontward and backwards. The power of the mantra was manifest by Gurudevi unfolding its mystical meaning. 

Then she led us through the experience of chanting it.  Carried by the vibration of the sound, I tracked back deeper and deeper within. I had an embodied experience of what Gurudevi described — mantra is one with Self, with the Guru, with Shiva.

This April retreat was so blissful and transformative that I signed up for the next one. I wanted more.  It was dedicated to the warrior Goddess Durga, the Goddess who protects us. Chanting her name with Gurudevi was extraordinary.  It wasn’t just chanting a Great Being’s name.  I felt the amplification that comes from Grace flowing through her name. 

I just love chanting and meditation together.

Never Underestimate the Power of the Tailbone

Lissa (Yogyananda) Fountain, Yogaratna

Arthur came to see me after Gurudevi Nirmalananda recommended an Embodyment® Overlap Healing series.

He had been diagnosed with a condition called Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR), an inflammatory rheumatoid disease.

He was in constant pain. Gurudevi said that because medicine can cite no cause, at least 80% was tailbone tightening. He would really benefit from the daily release a five-session series provides.

Arthur, an otherwise dynamo of an octogenarian, was definitively not feeling like himself. We began by building a bond of trust. I asked him to share some of his life story, as he described his physical pain. For him, this facilitated an understanding of the body-mind connection.

We took it very slowly in the beginning, as is the protocol for a high-risk client. In the first session, even the slightest tailbone opening would flare up his shoulder pain. So I improvised with extra pillows and higher blankets for his head. We inched our way, step by step, and the unraveling began.

By the second session, Arthur was breathing easier, and letting his body relax more into the process. When he got up to stand, he felt two inches taller. His skin and eyes were brighter. There was more of a spring to his step as he walked out my door.

After our first five sessions, his wife was amazed! Arthur started feeling more like his energetic self. It only got better as the series progressed.

He already had a daily Shavasana and Ujjayi Pranayama practice. Now he could get up and down from the floor more easily. He was climbing stairs with greater ease. His sinuses were draining and even his sleep improved.

With his lower spine decompressing, his spirits lifted. He felt happier. It wasn’t long before the shoulder pillows were gone, and his head needed only one blanket. The best was, he could drop into Consciousness, no longer interrupted with painful flare-ups. Arthur’s healing continues. Never underestimate the power of the tailbone!


By Gurudevi Nirmalananda 

Your energy field extends beyond the edges of your body, often called “aura” by those who can see or feel it.  

This electromagnetic field is emitted by all living things.  It is called prana in Sanskrit.  Prana is the life force that makes your body be a living body instead of a corpse.  Corpses don’t have auras.

Thousands of years ago, yogis described the human aura as part of the cosmic process by which energy becomes matter.  The energy of Consciousness becomes your body and mind, for you to live in and work with.  Yet you are not your body, nor your mind.  You are the one who lives in them and uses them to have experiences and to express your light into the world.

The energy that materializes as your body is named your “subtle body” (sukshma-sharira).  This is where your chakras (energy centers) are found as well as your nadis (energy currents), all 720,000,000 of them.  In Chinese Medicine, nadis are called meridians.

A woman shared about going to an acupuncturist.  He advised that her meridians needed balancing.  They agreed on a plan for 12 weekly treatments. A few days later, she came to a meditation program with my Guru. She decided to stay on for the weekend Shaktipat Retreat.  Reluctantly leaving on Tuesday, she went for her acupuncture appointment. 

The acupuncturist checked her over and said, with a shocked tone, “What have you been doing?”  The woman asked why.  The acupuncturist said, “All your meridians are balanced.  I’ve never seen this happen!”  “Oh,” she said, “I got Shaktipat last weekend.”  The acupuncturist came to meet Baba.

How does Shaktipat do this?  It’s because the “shakti” of Shaktipat is the energy of Consciousness, which is the source of your prana.  Yes, it does mean that your energy field improves with Shaktipat.  It also improves with yoga poses, with breathing practices and with meditation.

In yoga’s poses and breathing practices, you are working with your body.  In meditation, you’re working with your mind. Yet there is more going on.  All the practices actually target your energies, your subtle body. This is a much more powerful level of your multidimensionality.  

As your pranic flows are optimized, physical health and vitality are merely the beginning.  Your mental-emotional energies are uplifted.  Best of all are the spiritual effects, as the subtle dimensions within are opened up for your exploration.  The goal is to…

The Seeds of Your Future

By Gurudevi Nirmalananda

January 1 of any year is no different than other day, except that we agree on a special name for it, “New Years Day.”

The universe did not begin 2000 years ago, so it is really not a “new” year nor a “new” millennium. 

Even the names we give to the days of the week have no real significance. However, more people die of heart attacks on Monday mornings between 3 and 7 am than any other day and time.

Doctors tell us that squirrels die of heart attacks too, but no more of them die on Monday mornings than on other days. That is because squirrels don’t have Mondays. We are affected because we layer meanings onto the names of the days and the activities related to them. They are very real for us — and can even be fatal! 

The New Year and New Millennium is created by the mind, but the mind is incredibly powerful! Your mind creates your reality. You perceive things around you, make decisions and then act upon them, which affects you and the world around you. This is the law of karma — what you do has an effect, what you say has an even stronger effect, and what you think has the strongest effect of all. So what do you think of the New Millennium? Is this all hype, or is it that once-in-a-lifetime opportunity? What you think determines what you will do with it. 

The Shiva Sutras describe the state of an enlightened being: iccha shaktir uma-kumari, — s/he lives in the fullness of knowing of every moment as a divine moment, blossoming with the newness of spring and saturated with the joy of a newborn baby. For such a master, every moment is a golden one. There is no need for an annual rite of new beginnings. But the rest of us need a jump-start. 

You are laying the seeds of your future in what you think and in what you decide to do. If you go to yoga classes, you’ll feel better and be healthier. But if you don’t do yoga, how will you feel in another two years? Your plan may be to let your body get better by itself, but has it so far? You may have already proved to yourself that your body needs some help.

Yoga offers more than physical benefits. It is not merely about how you feel. It is really about who you feel yourself to be. With regular yoga practice, your sense-of-self is found in a deeper inner dimension of reality and is less a function of the circumstances around you. In other words, you develop an inner locus of control — you are less a victim of circumstances. And you may even find some of that “inner bliss” that everyone is talking about! 

When you take yoga classes, you will also improve other people’s lives. One man came to his wife’s graduation from our Teacher Training program and announced that he’d recommended that everyone in his office do yoga. We asked, “Why? You’re not doing it yourself.”

He said, “Yes, but my life has improved so much since my wife began yoga, I figured it would get even better if everyone at work would do it.” This was a smart man. Now, he’s even smarter — he’s doing yoga himself! 

Your future arises from the present; what you are doing right now determines how you will feel later today, tomorrow and the rest of your life. The New Millennium is a golden opportunity — what are you doing with it?

— Excerpt from Yoga in Every Moment, pages 132 ‒ 133 

Gurudevi’s CD: Honored Guru Gita

By Joan Brager

I love the chant “Jaya Jaya Arati Nityananda,” track 7 on this CD. The first time I heard it at the Ashram, it sounded like a march for a noble cause.

I wanted to sing along. I found the refrain lively and simple enough for me to quickly catch on: “Jaya Jaya aaratee Nityananda.”

I knew we were singing about Nityananda. I had read and heard enough about him to know that he was a great spiritual being. I knew that “jaya jaya” meant “Hail hail.” But the sound of jaya jaya is better than that translation. You know you are heralding someone great when you sing it out.

So I boldly sang out the refrain.

I learned later, when I looked up the translation, that the refrain says ”Hail Hail, I offer lights to Nityananda.” That is a fitting tribute to someone who brought so much light to so many.

Hearing this chant in Gurudevi’s beautiful singing voice is a pleasure that I repeat often.