Category Archives: taglines

Svaroopa Vidya Meditation

It all lies within, you’ve heard it said before.  But you must get beyond the theory in order to experience your own mystical essence.  That’s why you need training.  That’s why you need a teacher.  One who knows the way makes it easy for those who follow.

Know Your Own Self 

A deeper inner knowing of your deeper essence, this is the goal of meditation.  Your inward exploration is easy when you study with one who already knows the Self.  This is the mystical secret of Svaroopa® Vidya Meditation, that the doorway inside is opened for you.

Sourced Within

Discover the source of love and the source of your creativity.  It all lies within you, so you have to look inward to find the source.  But you can get stuck at the superficial level of mind and emotions.  Learn how to look deeper with Svaroopa® Vidya Meditation. 

Easy Inner Immersion   

Like a scuba diver floating in the vastness of the undersea world, meditation is about diving deep.  Svaroopa® Vidya Meditation makes it easy to get there, deeper within your own being.  In that depth and inner vastness, you experience a whole new dimensionality, one you can learn to live in.

Svaroopa Vidya Meditation

From uncovering inner peace to discovering the mystical truths, you must turn your attention inward.  To get deeper than your mind and breath, you need help — the techniques and tools developed by the yogic sages.  Study with a modern-day representative of the ancient tradition and get immediate results.  

Access Inner Peace 

Peace is found inside.  It is already there.  You’ve been looking in the wrong place, trying to get your outer circumstances to give you peace.  Now it’s time to learn how to look within.  Svaroopa® Vidya Meditation glides you inward, deeper than your mind, to the peace that is your inherent nature. 

Seekers Become Finders

You’re only a seeker until you find what you’ve been looking for.  The deeper dimensions of your own being are what you yearn for.  In Svaroopa® Vidya Meditation, you learn to meditate on your own Self.  Experiencing your inherent Divinity changes everything.  You find your Self. 

Open Inward to Infinite Beingness 

The inner infinity beckons you, an inner pull that is your own Self calling you home.  Explore who you really are by turning inward.  Svaroopa® Vidya Meditation reveals your inherent Divinity to you, a gift from the ancient yogic sages.  The mystical truth is hidden within, awaiting your exploration. 

Svaroopa® Vidya Meditation

It’s an inner knowing.  The knowing of your own Self is a deep inner feeling, a knowing beyond thought.  In Svaroopa® Vidya Meditation, you meditate on your own Self, on your blissful essence of pure beingness.  You become more you, experiencing the bliss of Consciousness that is your innermost essence.

Making You More You

Finding your Self involves knowing where to look as well as how.  Step 1:  Turn your attention inward.   But this can leave you trapped in a busy mind.  Step 2:  Learn how to glide deeper within by using the tantric tools provided by yoga’s sages.  Result:  Discover who you really are at the deepest level of your own being.

The Bliss of Consciousness

If you’re not experiencing bliss, you’re just not your Self today.  Learn to find your Self within, in the bliss that is ever-vibrating at your core.  Discover the Consciousness that you are and learn how to live from that inner dimensionality in all you do.

Discover Your Innermost Essence 

Your essence is Divine.  You are an individualized expression of the One Divine Reality.  That which has always existed is existing now, being you.  Learn how to look deeper within, to discover your inherent Divinity.  Svaroopa® Vidya Meditation makes it easy for you to discover your innermost essence, your own Self.

Svaroopa® Vidya Meditation

Svaroopa® Vidya Meditation

Everything arises from within.  This meditation system opens up the inner flow, so you are uplifted from your very first meditation.  Healing is followed by inner peace, which gives way to profound bliss.  Inner wisdom fills your life with meaning and purpose.  Best of all, you discover its source, your own Divine Essence. 

Healing, Peace & Bliss

Your first meditation begins the process of profound healing.  Both physical and more than physical, the changes are immediate and tangible.  Your experience develops quickly into deep inner peace.  Your heart expands into an ease-full inner space.  Bliss comes next, an unmistakable inner sensation that fills your mind and body.  It carries with you as you step back into activities.  Svaroopa® Vidya Meditation makes it easy and profound.

Inner Wisdom Unlocked 

Inner knowing is the only real answer, the only one that makes sense to you.  No matter what anyone else says, when you know — you know.  Meditation is the way to dive inside, to the source of the knowing.  Svaroopa® Vidya Meditation makes this inner opening easy, with profound answers and deep truths that arise from within.

Uncover Your True Essence

You discover who you are, you don’t become someone new.  You don’t add to who you are or what you do.  Instead you uncover your deeper essence, which has been hidden within for so long.  Svaroopa® Vidya Meditation makes it easy because it’s contagious.  You catch it from one who knows, a Meditation Master.  Gurudevi’s guidance is better than a GPS for getting you where you want to go.

Taglines (Installment #8)

Svaroopa® Yoga: Accessible Yoga

We meet you where you are, customizing the pose to your needs. Melt away the pain, tension and years to become alive, supple and strong. You don’t have to know what you are doing because we know what we are doing for you.

Svaroopa® Yoga: Profound Results from the Beginning

Begin at the end, reaping the most profound results from your very first experience of Svaroopa® yoga. Our poses and practices remove the blocks to your inherent health, joy and spirituality. Enjoy the multidimensional results promised by the ancient sages, delivered in our modern age.

Svaroopa® Yoga: Healing – Inside & Out

Core opening makes your mind more peaceful. Your emotions become more settled, less reactive. You become both expansive and grounded at the same time. Live n the unmistakable openness and ease of Svaroopa® yoga.

Svaroopa® Yoga: Spinal Magic

Unraveling the deepest tensions in your body, from your spine outward, is a magical process. Your spine lifts and lengthens, an amazingly easy and thoroughly enjoyable process. Best of all is the peace and joy that arises within, yoga’s promise echoing through the ages.

Svaroopa® Yoga: Uncommon Yoga

Transcend the athleticism of modern yoga by exploring the yogic mystery hidden within. Using the poses to unlock the hidden dimensions of your own being, you gain health, personal transformation and the bliss of your inherent Divinity, all at the same time.

Svaroopa® Yoga: Multi-Dimensional Healing

Your physical changes are profound and reliable, yet the inner transformation that gives you a new way of seeing is much more important. Your own life and the world begin to look perfect, even though it is the same world that used to drive you crazy.

Svaroopa® Yoga: You Can’t Not Change

flower4No struggle, no strain – simply do the accessible practices of Svaroopa® yoga and reap the results. Your physical improvements are obvious and immediate, along with your mind and heart being uplifted. Yet it is the discovery of your Divine Essence that makes it all matter.

Taglines (Installment #7)

Svaroopa® Yoga: Consciousness Yoga

Experience yoga’s promise – the knowing of your own Self as Consciousness-Itself. Beyond the poses or stress relief, the true goal is the bliss of your own being, named svaroopa in the ancient texts. Svaroopa® yoga reveals your own Divinity.

Svaroopa® Yoga: Purposeful Practice

Our poses and practices are doorways to the Self. They lift you out of your suffering and reveal the blissful ocean of consciousness within. This is the purpose for which you were born.

Svaroopa® Yoga: Divinity Yoga

The point of human life is to know both realities: the whole of your infinite Beingness (the formless) and the Divinity of your form (your body and your mind). Svaroopa® yoga reveals the Divinity hidden within and make you able to see it in everyone and everything.

Svaroopa® Yoga: The Ultimate Practice

Our sophisticated methodology works with distinctly human abilities to cultivate the ultimate human experience – the knowing of your inherent Divinity. This is called freedom. beginning with wholeness, Svaroopa® yoga is the ultimate practice that yields the ultimate benefit.

Svaroopa® Yoga: A Sublime Path

Yoga recognizes the Divine in every form, from the expanse of the sea to the infinity in a grain of sand, from the light of the noonday sun to the light in another’s eyes. Follow the path of Svaroopa® yoga to find that in your own Self.

Svaroopa® Yoga: Seeking & Finding

You have an ability to get lost in things – events, situations and other people. It is your own Divine Self that you are losing. Svaroopa® yoga opens you up to your own Self again and gives you the tools to find and live in the inner knowing.

Taglines (Installment #6)

Svaroopa® Yoga: The Goal is Bliss

Yoga’s goal is the bliss of consciousness, which arises from within. Yoga Sutras #1.3 promises, “You will experience svaroopa when yoga stills your mind.” Svaroopa® yoga delivers on this promise through the power and subtlety of spinal release.

Svaroopa® Yoga: Beyond Mere Pleasure

Bliss, peace, vast beingness – yoga promises something far beyond what you get from pleasures. It comes from a different source, so it fills you in a different way. Yogic bliss arises from within guaranteed through Svaroopa® yoga’s spinal decompression practices.

Svaroopa® Yoga: Bliss Arises from Within

Your essence is Consciousness-Itself. Svaroopa® yoga dissolves the inner blocks that hide your own Self. Even a hint or a glimpse of Self opens the inner flow of bliss, which expands to fill your heart and mind and overflows into your life and the world.

Svaroopa® Yoga: You are Made of Bliss

The ancient sages explain that you desire bliss because you are made of bliss. An inner split keeps you chasing who you think you are, rather than discovering the bliss of who you really are. Svaroopa® yoga dissolves the inner split and gives you your own Self.

Svaroopa® Yoga: Better than Happy!

Happiness is only temporary bliss because it is triggered by externals. They change. Thus you try to control things, which sometimes even works. Svaroopa® yoga opens your inner source of bliss, so you live in lasting bliss and share it with the world.

Svaroopa® Yoga: More Laughter, More Joy

Tension tells you that areas in your body and mind are less active. Where you are less alive, you have less joy, because life itself is joy-full. Svaroopa® yoga opens you up to more aliveness, more laughter, even more joy.  Svaroopa® yoga gives you the bliss of your own being, which is why it is called svaroopa.

Svaroopa® Yoga: Stress-less Yoga

You already have enough going on in your life, so yoga shouldn’t pressure you to perform. Svaroopa® yoga customizes the poses to your body, to easily dissolve your core tensions. The bliss you find is an inoculation against future stress. Discover a new way to live!

Svaroopa® Yoga: The Chemistry of Bliss

Svaroopa® yoga guarantees a change of midn and even a change of heart. As your spine decompresses, your mind decompresses. Your body’s stress chemicals are replaced by bliss chemicals. You put less pressure on the people around you, evne less pressure on yourself, yet you accomplish more than ever before.

Taglines (Installment #5)

Svaroopa® Yoga: Sutra Based Yoga

flowerSvaroopa® yoga is based in the principles of Consciousness expounded in the sutras. Athletic yoga styles, the sages explain, are preparation for an eventual inner awakening, but Svaroopa® yoga gives you the inner awakening, because it is saturated by the river of ever-flowing Grace.

Svaroopa® Yoga: The Best Comes First

flower4Yoga’s promise is that you will experience the Bliss of your own Beingness. Svaroopa® yoga delivers on that promise from your very first class, creating an inner opening that gives you your own Self: from the first, in the middle, to the last, and all at the same time.

Svaroopa® Yoga: Yoga for Seekers

flower3Svaroopa® yoga is for those who are seeking something that they cannot name. They don’t know exactly what it is they’re looking for. Here is where you begin the path to finding it, the path to your own Divine Self, the path of Grace.

Svaroopa® Yoga: Opening the Doorway Within

flower2Svaroopa® yoga jump-starts your inner evolution, leading to the discovery of who you really are. Grace begins the process, supports you along the way and completes your life’s purpose – the inner revelation of your own Svaroopa, your own Divine Beingness, your Self.

Svaroopa® Yoga: The Yoga of Grace

flower5Others talk about Kundalini; Svaroopa® yoga delivers. Our poses are based in Grace, reliably providing the inner awakening that puts you on course for the highest purpose of human life. No more guessing, no more hoping, no more despair. You can live in the knowing of your own Divinity.

Svaroopa® Yoga: Alignment with Grace

Tail to top, we create the inner opening, inviting Grace to reveal your Divine Self. Svaroopa® yoga gives you the inner alignment you’ve craved all your life, the synchronizing of your individuality with your inherent Divinity.

Svaroopa® Yoga: Melting the Layers

Svaroopa® yoga is going to make you shine. As soon as you decompress your spine, the Grace melts your carefully constructed shell and opens up profound inner experiences. Melt in the glow of consciousness, which is the flow of Grace,                      through Svaroopa® yoga.

Taglines (Installment #3)

Svaroopa® Yoga: Bliss is Your Birthright

flowerSvaroopa® yoga targets and dissolves your core tensions. As soon as you experience this physical release, you realize that something has opened through your whole being. You discover the bliss of your own Self, the essence of your own Divinity. This is why you were born.

Svaroopa® Yoga: Yoga’s Promise Fulfilled

flower4Svaroopa® yoga’s spinal decompression removes the inner blocks so you can experience what the sages’ promise you: svaroopa – the bliss of your own being.

Svaroopa® Yoga: Beyond Pain & Pleasure

flower3Pain and pleasure are paired opposites, haunting you as life lurches you from one to the other. Svaroopa® yoga takes you beyond the pairs of opposites to bliss, an instant high that deepens into a steady state – the experience of svaroopa, your own Divine Self.

Svaroopa® Yoga: Bliss Brings You Back

flower2In life, the things that you do over and over are the things that bring you bliss. But bliss is not merely lots of pleasure. It is profoundly different: better, longer lasting, inexhaustible, supremely independent, always available and free. Svaroopa® yoga, where again and again becomes always.

Svaroopa® Yoga: More Alive, More Joyous, More YOU!

flower5Come for the physical changes that Svaroopa® yoga guarantees: reducing pain, reversing the age-clock and boosting your healing power. Simultaneously you get more: you smile more easily, breathe more fully, love more openly and discover there is more within you than you imagined.

Svaroopa® Yoga: A New Way to Live

flower6Svaroopa® yoga settles you in the bliss of your own being, an incredible state. You look life squarely in the face without flinching and without being pulled off-center. You experience and share your bliss everywhere you go.

Taglines (Installment #2)

Svaroopa® Yoga: Deceptively Easy

flowerSvaroopa® yoga gives you more than a workout does, but with less work. This yoga is leveraged. You don’t think you did anything, yet you actually did more than ever before. You get huge results for a little bit of effort.

Svaroopa® Yoga: More than Exercise

flower4Svaroopa® yoga is not excerise. It’s a scientific maximization of your body’s capacity, dissolving the tensions that inhibit your body’s natural functioning and inherent healing capacity.” (from Yoga International)

Svaroopa® Yoga: Support and Release

flower3You don’t push to make the pose happen. In Svaroopa® yoga, you prop and align, then allow the changes to develop. Physical changes are the beginning of a profound deepening, which provides magical internal changes. All levels open up simultaneously: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

Svaroopa® Yoga: Living in Ease

flower2Even after a workout, massage or hot bath, your tensions return within hours or minutes. Svaroopa® yoga dissolves the deeper layers of your tensions, to allow you to live with ease all the time, not just when you are doing yoga. That ease is your birthright.

Svaroopa® Yoga: Full Spectrum Yoga

flower5Svaroopa® yoga opens up the full spectrum of your being. Spiritual insights and profound healings happen without any sweat. Slower yoga, consciously aligned and leveraged for multi-dimensional openings, means you get it all.

Svaroopa® Yoga: Mind-Body Yoga

flower6Use your body to work on your mind, clearing away the thoughts and emotions that cause your stress and tensions. Along with amazing physical improvements,  Svaroopa® yoga clears multiple levels simultaneously, to open up access to your own deeper essence, named “svaroopa”.

Svaroopa® Yoga: Beyond Your Limitations

flower7The quality of life is not based on how much you do but on how much you let go; not on how far you go, but on how open and easy you are. Svaroopa® yoga dissolves physical limitations as well as mental, emotional and spiritual blocks, to open up the way you live inside your own skin.