Tag Archives: temp

Comings and Goings

snowEarly yesterday morning before the Guru Gita, there was no snow on the Ashram lawn. And suddenly, along with half of USA residents, we were in a flurry of activity, a beautiful blowing snow world of white. Today, three foot snowdrifts blanket the lawn. In contrast to all the dazzling whiteness, the crystal clear skies are bluer, the sunlight brighter. The evidence of this change is deep and stilling. Such is the change with comings and goings.

You recognize this in your life, and it is the same at SVA: someone steps into a new role with new duties, their actions become a flurry of activity within the organization. When the flurry of activity ends, the affected change is evident. It makes the organization look different from before they arrived.

We would like to thank Pix Monaco for helping SVA look a little different than it did 3 months ago. After serving in a temporary position as Enrollment System Coordinator to help get us caught up on data input during the consolidation, Pix returned in November and December to continue with important, additional input. Courses in the Enrollment System, SATYA and payment plan processing are clearer and more accurate thanks to the time and attention she brought to them. And if you had the pleasure of speaking with Pix on the phone, you were sure to be touched by her gentle kindness. Thank you, Pix!

Some a snow flurries last all day and night, some last moments. Such is the case with recently-announced Bookkeeper Peter Mallis. While he learned the ins and outs of SVA bookkeeping for about a week, he felt the position did not align with his professional goals. While we thank Peter for his time and bid him good luck, we would like to welcome SVA’s new Bookkeeper Christie DeLaney.

Christie brings great skill to the SVA administrative staff as Bookkeeper. With 13 years’ experience in all areas of bookkeeping, she will be performing our bookkeeping duties. Welcome, Christie! We look forward to experiencing how you will help shape SVA’s bookkeeping.